Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Tips to Run a Mobile User Experience Diagnostic

Tips to Run a Mobile User Experience Diagnostic

In this post we will discuss a few ideas on how to execute User Experience Diagnostics for your mobile website and apps.

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Twitter Introduces Fabric - A Toolkit For Developers

Twitter Introduces Fabric, A Toolkit For Developers

Twitter’s Fabric is a set of APIs which empowers application developers to build applications on top of the Twitter platform.

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Design Mistakes Your Brand Should Avoid

Design Mistakes Your Brand Should Avoid

Having a well thought out UI & UX for your brands is getting more important by the day as trends shift towards the online space.

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Importance of A/B Testing or Split Testing

Important things you should know about A/B testing

The key to boost conversion rates is to do a load of A/B tests. The first few A/B tests may produce limited results, but don’t despair.

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Save Time Through Good User Experience

Save Time Through Good User Experience

Saving time through good UX is not an easy task. Yet, it is achievable through research, analytical thinking and creativity.

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Standalone Apps: Facebook plans and success story

Why Facebook is focusing on standalone apps?

Facebook’s effort to launch standalone apps is about keeping itself relevant in the ever changing market.

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