

Loading Case Study Experience

MIT Innovation Ecosystem

MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (REAP) is helping regions foster economic growth and social progress. We built a web application that will help communities around the world engage with MIT to find trends and patterns in decades worth of data for 100+ countries across 40+ metrics.

Our Contribution

Strategy, Wireframing, Prototyping, UI/UX Design, Front-end & Back-end development, Integration with third parties, Deployment & Maintenance.

Data Analysis

The custom built web application allows users to create an account, sign-in, and begin utilizing the plethora of data MIT has collected for all the countries. Users can create custom graphs based on any combination of KPIs, export data, compare & contrast, and much more.

Some core features of the platform:

  • Sign-up / sign-in
  • Custom CMS for front-end content
  • Data management module
  • Users management module
  • 3rd party API integration
  • Generate custom graphs
  • Export graphs as images
  • Export data behind graphs as CSV
  • Mobile responsive & optimized
  • Roles & Permissions

The Result

MIT Reap's Innovation Ecosystem application is being used in classrooms for students, professors & PHD candidates alike to collaborate, discuss and enhance their understanding of the different countries and their progress made towards economic growth & social progress. The response has been tremendous, and planning is already under way for enhancements and new features to be rolled out over time.

Travis Hunter, Program Manager MIT University

From the beginning Cygnis an excellent team to work with. They are very professional and quickly understood our needs and how best to implement our vision for the project. Cygnis provided a clear proposal that fit our tight timeline and delivered on each milestone of the project as planned.

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