The Collection is a horror movie that hit theaters in December 2012, telling the chilling story of a man who must rescue an innocent girl from a serial killer’s booby-trapped lair. To promote the film, the producers aimed to engage IGN’s fan base through a creative and immersive social media campaign. We developed a horror-themed Facebook application that invited users to "collect" their favorite video games, tying into the movie’s dark and suspenseful atmosphere.
A thrilling app experience that captures the essence of the horror film.
The campaign for The Collection was an overwhelming success, far exceeding expectations within the first week. The app garnered over 4,000 entries and added more than 2,000 new fans to IGN’s Facebook page. Additionally, the app was shared over 5,000 times, generating significant buzz and increasing visibility for the movie. The horror-themed design and interactive features resonated with the target audience, making this campaign a standout success.