Get Ready for the iPad 2

Apple Updates: iPad 2 launching soon in US markets

The new version of the iPad is just around the corner (if the timeline and the rumors are believed to be true). Although there may be some delays because of Jobs’s medical leave, the designs must be finalized and the factories are preparing to release millions of the devices in the next few months.

The next iPad has been discussed a lot. The original iPad is not even a year old, but some who have yet to try out this device are waiting for the newer version to get more features and possibly a new screen. Despite several tablets appearing in the market, the iPad has no actual competitorright now. Apple may be releasing the iPad 3 in the recent future as Steve’s one liner says it all “We are releasing the new iPad today before our competitors have even caught up with the first generation”. Steve used that line a few times. The question is what would be new in the next generation of iPad?

The Apple iPad 2 is expected to be released in April, 2011, and there have been a number of rumors revealing the new features in this new version. Some of the major changes that we have heard of are:

  1. Screen Resolution: There are a number of rumors, which are focusing on the screen resolution of the new iPad, they say the screen resolution of the new version would be doubled than that of the older version we currently use. Well this would have a great impact on the price of the new version, but Apple I think is committed to improving their devices and a screen improvement would go a long way to see that happen.
  2. Dual Camera (Front and Rear): The new iPad2 has the cameras, unlike the older version. Steve promised that Apple will release millions of Face Time devices within a few years; it seems that his quote will come true with the launch of the new iPad.
  3. SD Card Slot: The rumors also have it that there may be an SD card slot in the new iPad, and with the announcement of the Thunderbird I/O support in the new Macbook Pros, the rumors are ripe with a iPad 2 supporting the new technology as well.
  4. Processor: The rumor has it that Apple will be the A5 process in the new version of iPad. This would increase the speed of the device significantly. The current iPad itself is a very impressive device and it will surely be difficult to de-throne once this update comes along.

I am sure there must be some people who are really looking forward for the new version’s launch and who always like to catch the newest gadget first would buy the iPad 2 as soon as possible, but given the trend, it might be worth waiting a bit to find out what the first impressions are like (and also to let those long lines at the Apple stores die down a bit) before jumping in and grabbing it.

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