Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

How to Increase Sales with Customer Oriented Website Designs?

How to Design Customer Oriented Websites?

Customers ask for a clean, seamless and fast processing website design, which should also look great on their small screens.

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Facebook Developers Update: Facebook App Insights 2.0 Released

Facebook Releases App Insights 2.0 Beta

Facebook App Insight 2.0 provides you what you expect in a crunch situation by your social media manager.

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What to look for when hiring a web development company?

What to Look for When Hiring a Web Development Company?

Hiring a web development company is not an easy job. Follow the basic rules and you might get the right one for your project.

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Sweepstake Application Ideas for Brands «

Sweepstake Application Ideas for Brands

A list of some inspiring sweepstakes competition ideas that were converted awesome and successful applications.

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Modern Typography Art and Effects for Web Designs, Fonts

Use of Typography for Modern Websites

The art of telling tales through pictures, letters and abstract figures has been utilized throughout human history.

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Designing Web for Mobile Devices - Mobile Website Designing Tips

Designing Websites for Mobile Devices

The fundamental things that a designer should know before designing websites for mobile devices. Take a peak!

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