Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Facebook Timeline for Brands and Pages

Facebook Timeline for Brands and Pages

Facebook Timeline – The initial review for changes that brands and pages need to adopt to get increased user engagement.

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Frictionless Facebook Apps

Frictionless Facebook Apps Increasing Content Sharing

Frictionless Apps – Sharing user’s interests among their friends and showing relevant content based on user’s Likes.

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Web Products & User Feedback

Web Products, Social Media & User Feedback

The true and promising results, in today’s business, are only achievable when you involve customers from the start.

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Top 7 iPhone Apps for Online Education

Top 7 iPhone Apps for Online Education

Online learning has spread like wild fire – Apple pitches in with 7 new iPhone applications for online education.

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Web is the New School

Web is the New School Online Education is not a Fad

The revolutionary change with the advent of online education has en wrapped the world to the fullest.

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Facebook FBML to iFrame Transition «

Facebook FBML to iFrame Transition 1st June, 2012

Facebook FBML to iFrame transition – This is the right time to act fast for the transition Highlight the date, 1st June 2012.

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