Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Online Contests

Online Contests increase Word of Mouth Advertisement!!

Online Contests are one of the finest ways to increase traffic, publicity and even creating a wonderful customer experience.

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Making And Keeping Your 2012 New Year’s Resolutions With Social Media! «

Keeping Your 2012 New Year’s Resolutions with Social Media!

Show confidence in your friends, they will be more than willing to help you achieve and complete your new year’s resolution.

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Facebook Saturation in 2011

Market Saturation Point for Facebook in the year 2011?

Over the years Facebook has been able to capture more users every year. Facebook has reached the market saturation point in 2011?

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Examples of a few holiday themed socail media campaign, and how comapnies are using social media for a good cause.

Holiday Specials and Giveaway Campaigns

Examples of a few holiday themed social media campaign, and how companies are using social media for a good cause.

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4 considerations before starting off the competition «

4 Considerations Before Starting off the Competition

How marketers use sweepstakes applications to promote business or a product or a brand on social media platform.

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Facebook Insight Changes «

Facebook Insight Changes Information that Really Matters

Facebook takes the first step towards betterment and releases the new Insight Metrics for page admins.

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