Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

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Facebook Updates: Facebook Happening Now Features, Apps Interaction

Facebook’s New Feature – “Happening Now”

Surprised and excited to see that Facebook has launched a new feature – Happening Now, featuring live updates.

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What is Social SEO: Social Media marketing benefits

Social SEO – Increase the Chances of Higher Ranking

Social SEO, where companies put their efforts in optimizing their Social Profiles to increase the chances of higher rankings.

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Facebook Top Brands: Most engaging Facebook page

Becoming a Top Brand on Facebook

Some of the top Facebook Pages and the strategies they adopted to promote their brands on Facebook.

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Facebook Deals: How to promote and increase Facebook Fan base

Facebook Announces “Facebook Deals” in 5 Cities

Groupon and Livingsocial now have a strong competitor offering deals to customers – Facebook Deals.

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Facebook Updates: Facebook Page Insights new Features

The New Facebook Insight Features

Facebook page admins can improve the interactions and generate more engagement using Facebook Insight features.

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Facebook Deals: How Facebook fans become Customers

Generate More Revenue with Deals on Facebook

Companies should focus on constant interaction with users and timely updates of deals, to keep the interest level high.

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