Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Web Products & User Feedback

Web Products, Social Media & User Feedback

The true and promising results, in today’s business, are only achievable when you involve customers from the start.

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Web is the New School

Web is the New School Online Education is not a Fad

The revolutionary change with the advent of online education has en wrapped the world to the fullest.

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Online Contests

Online Contests increase Word of Mouth Advertisement!!

Online Contests are one of the finest ways to increase traffic, publicity and even creating a wonderful customer experience.

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How Businesses use Facebook as Ecommerce, FB Connect

Can Facebook and Ecommerce Come Together?

Recent study shows that 50% of the users visiting an E-commerce site are already logged in to their Facebook accounts.

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Crucial User Interface Features for Web Applications

Crucial User Interface Features for Web Applications

It is vital in today’s world to follow the best practices for user interface design with a focus on usability for your web app.

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Responsive Web Design, What is Responsive design and how to create it

Latest Advancement in Design – Responsive Web Designs

Designers are always on the edge of their seat in order to keep up with the latest trends in designing industry.

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