Generate More Revenue with Deals on Facebook

Facebook Deals: How Facebook fans become Customers

We see more companies utilizing Facebook Pages to engage with their audience. Businesses have earned more revenues as they have revamped their marketing strategies and come up with new ideas to market and represent their brands in a new way via social media networks.

A common practice is to offer deals to the users to encourage them to buy the products or services, giving the users some discounts or any special occasion sales fiesta. The question is, how do the deals work? How are the companies able to make profits as they offer their products on discounted prices or by bundling offers? For the companies who offer deals on social media networks their deals offer incentives for new users to try out the product. Users give their opinions on the deals offered and suggest friends who might be interested in the deal which is offered by the company. Users try to find out more by asking questions or do their own research for the particular deals. This whole concept may be defined with a process which can be developed as follows:

The process defines how companies make more revenue by offering deals to their fans or users:

  • More Deals: Company offers deals to its users
  • More Deal Personalization: Deals can be of different kinds, such as buy one get one free, buy X and get Y on discounted prices, buy X number of the same product and get discount etc. Different kinds of deals attract or suit different users.If a user is not interested in one deal he / she might be interested in the other one.
  • More Conversions: There is an 80% higher chance of getting more conversions by offering multiple deals.
  • More Sales: More conversions mean that more people or users are buying the products which automatically increase the sales of a company.
  • More Cities: Social media networks, as we know, are not restricted by international boundaries; every user is connected. Companies have explored this and they market their products or offer their deals to users providing them the option to share it with their friends and tell them about the deals. This way companies are able to get the attention of a wider variety of people living in different regions or cities.
  • More Sales People: Users when sharing the information of deals to their friends, become a marketer or an evangelist for the company without actually knowing it. The work they perform for companies by sharing their deals is one of a marketer.
  • Improved Media Buying: The users when interested in a deal do their research or ask questions about it, thus increasing the media power of the company.

One example of how we tackled this implementation can be seen on the Facebook Page we designed and developed for Butlers Chocolate Cafe (

We proposed a Facebook page targeted towards its local customer base. They would be able to collect their fans in one place and be able to interact with them, inform them of upcoming events, specials and more.

In order to provide incentive to the users, we created a Football World Cup contest in which the user would Like the Facebook Page and enter the contest. They then predict the winner of the World Cup along with the top goal scorer and have a chance to win dinner for two at Butlers Chocolate Cafe.

The contest showed a good response, garnering 200 sign-ups on the first day alone. This allowed Butlers to spread the message to their customer base about the World Cup specials available at the Cafe and helped them entice customers to watch the matches at Butlers. The result was a packed house every evening and night during match hours at the cafe.

In the conclusion, we would say, Companies should focus on constant interaction with users and timely updates of deals, so the interest level of users does not decline. Users always look forward for new deals and companies providing them what they require are getting successful in reaching their sales targets.

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