Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

The Role of User Data in Business, User Behavior and Activity

Importance of User Data for a Business

If your business is not growing according to your expectations, it is time to listen to the voice of your customers.

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Save Time Through Good User Experience

Save Time Through Good User Experience

Saving time through good UX is not an easy task. Yet, it is achievable through research, analytical thinking and creativity.

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Standalone Apps: Facebook plans and success story

Why Facebook is focusing on standalone apps?

Facebook’s effort to launch standalone apps is about keeping itself relevant in the ever changing market.

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HTML5 Impact Over Video and Web

HTML5 Impact Over Video and Web

Why are videos so important for a better web experience? and what impact will HTML5 have on videos?

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The Best Social Media Campaigns by Brands

The Best Social Media Campaigns by Brands

Some of the best social media campaigns that are inspiring and shows how your business can relate to customers

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Plan Your Digital Presence

Plan Your Digital Presence

Social media reputation is built around strong presence, continuous activities, and positive feedbacks by fans.

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