Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Modern Typography Art and Effects for Web Designs, Fonts

Use of Typography for Modern Websites

The art of telling tales through pictures, letters and abstract figures has been utilized throughout human history.

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Facebook App Importance for Brands in 2014, Application for Promotion

Why a Brand Should Have a Facebook Application?

Facebook apps are not just for fun and prizes, it is about connecting with your audience in a way they will remember.

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Designing Web for Mobile Devices - Mobile Website Designing Tips

Designing Websites for Mobile Devices

The fundamental things that a designer should know before designing websites for mobile devices. Take a peak!

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iBeacon Apple Technology - iBeacon iOS Features, iBeacon ideas

iBeacon Apple Technology Brimming with Potential

iBeacon is a promising step towards a very lucrative industry and coupled with fingerprint technology for security

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Possible Web design and development trends in 2014

Web Design and Development Trends in 2014

The conundrum of creating a perfect combination of elegant design and effective copy is a million dollar question.

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Christmas Campaigns on Social Media, Ideas for Facebook Campaign

Facebook Campaign Ideas for Christmas

Christmas is the right time to share the joy, happiness, love, peace and your pursuit of happiness with other people.

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