Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

Stay updated with the latest trends and strategies in AI, web, and mobile app development through Cygnis's informative blogs.

Social Media Marketing with QR Codes

Social Media Marketing with Qr Codes

Reasons why QR Code was not a successful tool earlier, and how and why it should be used in today’s era..

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Go Pro – Go Retina

Go Pro – Go Retina

The future of displays is Retina, screens that allows you to virtually communicate with a person as if you are meeting in person.

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Innovative Ecommerce Ideas

Innovative Ecommerce Ideas to Attract the Customers

Impacts of E-commerce trends forcing the marketers or the sellers to come up with innovative ideas to attract the customers.

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Social Media Campaign Measurement

Measure the Success of Your Social Media Campaign

The right techniques and tools to measure the success of your social media campaign. How do you measure your campaign’s success?

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How to Handle User Feedback

How to Handle or React to the User Feedback

What’s your reaction to a good or a bad feedback received for your site? Learn to handle user feedback in a better way.

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Instagram For Brands

Instagram should be in the Daily Dictionary for Brands

What are the decisions and strategies that should be followed for making your social campaign successful using Instagram?

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