Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

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Facebook Developer Conference: F8, Facebook and TV

Facebook and the Modern Tv or Futuristic Interactive TV Device

Facebook’s continuous growth suggests that they might be working on a modern TV or an interactive TV device of the future.

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Crucial User Interface Features for Web Applications

Crucial User Interface Features for Web Applications

It is vital in today’s world to follow the best practices for user interface design with a focus on usability for your web app.

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Facebook Timeline: Benefits for Digital Marketers and Companies

Benefits of Facebook Timeline for Digital Marketers

Timeline, where you can share your story in the way you want, plus remove the stories which you don’t want to share with others.

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Tips and Tricks how to make Effective Business Facebook Pages

5 Tips for Effective Facebook Pages

With Facebook Pages, businesses can easily share latest news about the product or service, and create a rapport with the fans.

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Hot to make Facebook Page Viral, Promote FB Page

Tips for Viral Launch of Your Facebook Page

On Facebook, one of the most important aspects is the quality of interaction a brand has with its fans.

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How to get Benefits from Facebook for Non-Profits

Ten Tips for Non-Profits on Facebook

We have all seen the after effects of Haiti earthquakes, and how Facebook’s platform helped to raise funds for it.

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