Innovative Insights: AI, Web, and Mobile App Development Blogs

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Facebook Statistics Infographics: Facebook users and brands Behavior

Facebook Statistics – More than 750 Million Users Worldwide

Mark Zuckerberg recently revealed that Facebook has reached more than 750 Million users – Facebook Infographic.

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Facebook Updates: Facebook Happening Now Features, Apps Interaction

Facebook’s New Feature – “Happening Now”

Surprised and excited to see that Facebook has launched a new feature – Happening Now, featuring live updates.

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What is Social SEO: Social Media marketing benefits

Social SEO – Increase the Chances of Higher Ranking

Social SEO, where companies put their efforts in optimizing their Social Profiles to increase the chances of higher rankings.

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#WWDC 2011: Apple updates, Developers Conference

Getting Ready for the Worldwide Developer’s Conference 2011

“WWDC 2011″ The worldwide Developer’s Conference – The kick off would be the keynote from Steve Jobs.

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Facebook Top Brands: Most engaging Facebook page

Becoming a Top Brand on Facebook

Some of the top Facebook Pages and the strategies they adopted to promote their brands on Facebook.

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Facebook Deals: How to promote and increase Facebook Fan base

Facebook Announces “Facebook Deals” in 5 Cities

Groupon and Livingsocial now have a strong competitor offering deals to customers – Facebook Deals.

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