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The holiday season is right around the corner, everyone is excited to spend time with their friends and family members. Gifts and giveaways are the highest priority in some people’s life. Companies have also started promoting their holiday specials and giveaway campaigns.

Christmas is all about giving to others and try to bring some happiness to those who are unable to get the things they want. In today’s world companies also show their corporate social responsibility by donating to the people affected by different natural disasters.

A poll conducted reveals that 70% of the Americans are willing to make the donations as they did last year, despite the fact that the last three years were affected by the economic crisis. Social media is one of the source companies are using to spread the word and the cause to help the affected. Let us see some of the examples of social media campaigns companies are using for a good cause.

Kraft Foods’ Huddle to Fight Hunger

Kraft Foods’ Huddle to Fight Hunger page is one of the applications which have been launched in the last year. Users need to like the page and play a two minute trivia game. In this game players are asked different questions and if the answers are correct and in time they move forward and proceed to touchdown to win. Every touchdown means a meal giveaway to the needy. Users also can provide their zip codes so the meals can be given away in the particular areas.
The company has set the target to giveaway 4 Million meals through the Facebook Page.

Coca-Cola’s Arctic Home

For the first time in history we have been introduced with a white color of Coca-Cola can, made specifically for their campaign of preserving polar bears. In collaboration with Word Wildlife Fund, Coca-Cola started the campaign to preserve polar bears and ensure that they can have a safe place of their own (Home). Users make donations and for every one dollar donation they receive a virtual parcel in Arctic Home for exploring and tracking actual polar bears.

Hanes’s Sock Drive

Hanes is asking its fans for just one click not the actual donations from them. Users only need to press the “donate now” button on their page and Hanes will donate a pair of sock to the Salvation Army (the people who need it the most). Hanes target is to donate quarter million pair of socks to the Salvation Army. It may be quite a shock to you, but study suggests that socks are the most requested item from homeless people, and not the winter coats.

Prevent Obesity’s Kick The Can Campaign

An application developed by us (Cygnis Media). The application focuses to educate the public about the problem with sodas in schools. The application is under development process as for now and will be up and running in about a week or so. The goal of this Facebook campaign is to:

  • Educate people by having them read literature regarding the problem.
  • Spread the word by taking part in the interactive “Kick The Can” game and involve user’s friends in it as well.
  • Provide incentives for coming back to the application by letting people check the progress of their can.
  • Drive wev traffic to a page where people can ‘Take Action’, i.e. submit comments to the government.

These are just a few examples of the way companies are using social media campaigns to promote their business and their causes. You as a company should know the latest trends and know exactly what your purpose is when starting a social media campaign. It is also advised that you should clearly state your goals to the fans and let them about how you are planning to achieve the goals and how your fans are of help to your cause. Having said that, we wish you a good time on your vacations and best of luck for your social media campaign.

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