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As a business your online presence is very critical for you in this era of technology, where a business just cannot survive without a digital identity. Your website represents who you really are.

It is very important that you welcome user feedback for your website. We do understand that some of them may be way off the topic, but some feedbacks would be very helpful for your website. It doesn’t matter if the feedback is good or bad, until it is helping you improve your website or pointing out the things which really matters to the users. Today, we would be giving you tips on how to handle or react to the user feedback in a better way. So, without further blabbering about the topic let us start:

Face Value:

There are times when users give you a lot of negative feedback about that one thing which took a lot of effort at your end and you thought that this particular design element is the highlight of your website (which actually is failed in front of the users). We know it hurts! but when you think about it like the users did, you might agree with the user feedback.

Customized Contact Forms:

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It is a good thing to provide users with different contact forms linked to the particular department. This helps you to provide a better response to the user feedback and also users would be happy to convey the message to the concerned person or department.

Confidence is the key:

Just a heads up, you need to watch out for the feedbacks which really doesn’t have anything good about your website (i.e. pure criticism) believe us these type of people are out there in a huge number. Do not get distracted by such feedbacks, instead arrange meanings to discuss about the feedback with the users.

Use A/B Split Testing:

Highly recommended test for those businesses who are in process of introducing the new design of their website to the users. In this test, you prepare two complete designs of your website and equally distribute the visitors to each of the designs. You can let the users know about the new design implementation and ask for their feedback about it.


In the end, we would like to mention the fact that for a successful product (in this case website) user feedback is very important. You can use user feedback to make up a better website with the design elements users wants to see or use. Just remember, feedbacks can be negative and positive. You need to make sure that you use the feedback in the right way and do not get dishearted by the feedbacks received.

We have talked a lot about the user feedback here, so lets see what would we receive as user feedback on this discussion. Would like to hear from you all about your thoughts on this.

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