Get Free FB Page and a 30 Minute Consultation Session

Create Free Facebook Page Consultation, Facebook Page Development for free

That’s right folks, this is not a type-o or some gimmick. We here at Cygnis Media, in order to promote our newly launched company, are giving away our expert development services for FREE!

From the list of entries, we will randomly select three winners. First place gets two customized tailor made tabs for their Facebook page. Second place gets one tab development and third place gets 50% off on their next Facebook development project with us. Some standard rules and regulations do apply.

Additionally, all entrants have the option of availing a 30 minute consultation session with our resident Social Media Analyst. With over 200 applications worth of experience, our analyst will help you determine how social media can best be applied to help you further your brand or business by leveraging the social web. Enter the contest for a no-strings attached, no-obligation session.

To enter the contest, you can simply go to this page (Contest ended) and follow the instructions. We will announce the winners on the 5th of August, 2010.

Note: Free Facebook Page Contest is now closed. Thank you for your participation.

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